Thursday Night Animal League

Club House 2080 Umbreit Road, Milford Square, PA, United States

Tim Landis 215-896-9318

Monday Night Dot League

Club House 2080 Umbreit Road, Milford Square, PA, United States

Randy Freed 267-253-1453

Thursday Night Animal League

Club House 2080 Umbreit Road, Milford Square, PA, United States

Tim Landis 215-896-9318

League Banquet

Club House 2080 Umbreit Road, Milford Square, PA, United States

Event starts at 6:00pm with appetizers, meal will be served at 7:00pm.  Cost is $10 or additional donation members are willing to make. Contact an officer for tickets.

Monday Night Dot League

Club House 2080 Umbreit Road, Milford Square, PA, United States

More details available on the Monday Night Dot League page. Randy Freed 267-253-1453